Genexa Animal Crossing Activation
Genexa is a start-up taking on brands like Advil and TUMS. The medicine has less fillers in it.
My partner Jojo and I explained gaming and itspotential to our teammates at co:collective. Then we sold the idea to the client by breaking down the financial considerations necessary to bring it to life.
TL;DR: We taught Animal Crossing players about Genexa using a creative microinfluencer campaign, in-game activation, and subsequent giveaway.
We created a “smear campaign” against the game’s sole shop owner and medicine maker, Tom Nook. Then we partnered with MS1 to spread the word through Animal Crossing microinfluencers.
Jojo and I co-wrote the video. I then edited it while she developed the full in-game island experience.

We also recommended additional channels and influencers. We partnered with AbdallahSmash026 who livestreamed and toured our island. Moderators of AC Discord servers also sent out push notifications that drove to Genexa’s IG account.
In total, the campaign uniquely engaged over 200,000 people on a budget of only $5,000.